Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"Creativity is intelligence having fun."  quote by Albert Einstein

What a cool way to approach creativity! Think of something you see everyday. Take a picture or draw it. Trace what you have drawn or photographed. Cut it up and rearrange it. Now trace it again. Pick a few colors you like and use them in the dark or medium or light places. You can use fabric, colored pencils or colored paper.  JUST HAVE FUN!

How do you translate this into a quilt? Using  graph paper, of course.
Assign the squares of the graph paper a size like 1" or 2" per square. Draw and color your idea in squares, rectangles or triangles. To translate that into fabric to be sewn, add 1/2" to any square or rectangle measurement. For example a 1 x 2 rectangle, becomes 1 1/2" x 2 1/2". Triangles must be figured as squares and 7/8" added to them and then cut once on the diagonal. Sew it together row by row--Sometimes you may find that you have a seam you must sew in partially. We can help you with that. Bring it in for help!

Now if you want to be even simpler, you could use fusible web and just fuse your piece together. We carry several different types of fusible. Once you create your picture or block, just quilt it down or zigzag all the edges.

Lots of times we forget how to play and just have fun. It is a huge stress reliever. And guess what? Just because we have drawn and colored and figured doesn't mean the piece needs to be made!!! It goes into your brain and pops out some other way just when you need it. It is kinda like exercise--you do it because you know that it's good for your body.

Well, playing is good for the soul and spirit so HAVE FUN and PLAY!

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