Monday, November 25, 2013

If you think about doing something, act and do it.

My husband has had a successful accounting career and as I have watched him work and deal with things, I have learned a lot. Since he retired 5 years ago, I get an even more close-up view of his work habits. One thing that drives me crazy as well as make me jealous is his motto "If you think it, do it." The idea is don't just set something down to do later--do it now. Have a phone call to make? Make it. Remember something you need to do, at least write it down so you can deal with it.

Now do I do this? Not always. I wish I did. There are so many times that I know I need to work on something, deal with an issue, make a phone call and start or work on a project. I am so pleased with myself when I act, not when I postpone things. The guilt gets you. I know I waste time by piling things up and not putting them away or in their proper place. My sewing room is a mass of piles and this weekend I started dealing with them.

Now I know it's taken me awhile to amass these piles and UFO's so it's going to take a while to plow through them. So, I straightened up and organized my countertop and desk...then the table next to my sewing machine. A funny thing happened while I was acting--I got excited to do a little sewing. I had accomplished a lot and it looked so much neater and enticing. What did I do?  I REWARDED myself with sewing on something. It put a smile on my face because I was just that much closer to finishing it. Not finished, but closer than I had been 1/2 hour before.

So this is my challenge to you as we make our way into 2014--

If you think it, do it. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Just think of that smile on YOUR face!

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