Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How to get things done when you don"t have a lot of time

I get asked all the time "How do you get all this stuff done?"  I'll let you in on my secrets!

First, figure out what to work on first. If you are like me, you have a lot of projects lined up to do. Which ones have a deadline? Which deadline is closer? Start with that one.

Second, look at the directions. What can you do while making dinner, helping your kids study and so on? I frequently cut or pin blocks together while I am waiting on my family. I keep a small cutting board in my kitchen with a spare rotary cutter and ruler. While I am waiting for the noodles or vegetables to cook, I can be preparing myself to go to the sewing machine. Then when I get to the machine, all I have to do is sew.

Third, ask yourself if there is something you can do waiting for an event. I can embroider, knit, hand quilt and prepare applique with glue stick or thread basting at my grandson's karate class or in the car while riding out of town. I carry that same small cutting board to lay on my lap and work. Sandwich bags make great carryalls to keep the parts together.

If you begin to look at your time in chunks rather than thinking you need a long expanse of time, you can begin to conquer those UFO's one little step at a time. When you do, write yourself a note to tell what you accomplished and put it in a clear jar or vase. When you look at it, you will remember you really did accomplish things. CELEBRATE! With all the projects we want to do, it's easy to think you have accomplished nothing. Give yourself a treat--whatever you love to do, whether it's a half hour to read your favorite author, calling a friend or sipping a latte. Remember to treat yourself when you do something good!

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